Shockwaves are used for breaking kidney stones, but many researchers have tried earlier for Gall stones and no evidence is available.
Small gall stones less than 5mm usually gets flushed into the system and gets destroyed but bigger stones cannot be flushed because the exit from gall bladder is a tube with small diameter of 1 to 5mm. So, if there is a large stone it will cause blockade and result in complications.
The commonest Gall bladder cancer arises due to repeated inflammation of the gall bladder due to stones as evidence states. The modality of surgery changes if diagnosed as cancer.
Yes, it can be combined with other abdominal surgery if gall bladder needs to be removed.
It is better to avoid surgery during pregnancy because of the surgical stress to the growing foetus. If emergency, then it must be done. Most of the evidence stated surgery in the 2nd trimester is safe. My personal advice is better to postpone surgery if gall stones are asymptomatic.
The main problem is the gall bladder which forms the stones, so if we leave the gallbladder more stones will be formed so it is better to remove the entire gallbladder.
There are no medications to destroy gallstones, but we can prevent it from forming new stones.
Gall bladder is only a storage organ and its does not have any function in production of bile. Post-surgery patient may have a little difficulty in digesting fat but not always. Yes, you can lead a normal life without a gall bladder.
Not all gall stones need to undergo surgery. Only gallstones which are symptomatic need to undergo at the earliest to avoid various complications as jaundice, Pancreatitis, etc…
All surgeries carry a small risk and Gall bladder surgery has the same risk.
Gallstones as said earlier can be left alone if not symptomatic but when symptomatic or along with another abdominal surgery it can be removed.
The most common complication is Pus in the gall bladder, Jaundice if the Common bile duct is blocked. Septicaemia if the infection spreads, Pancreatitis which is the most dreaded one.